Effectiveness of Black Cumin in the Reduction of Blood Sugar And Uric Acid Levels in Women


Bela Novita Amaris Susanto
Yatsi Madani University, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
~ Author
Nofri Zayani
Yatsi Madani University, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
~ Author


Background: The increase in the level of sugar and uric acid in the body leads to many diseases and problems. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) could well be classified as a spice that has anti-diabetic and anti-uric acid properties. Black cumin water stimulates the insulin production in the body, which helps keep the blood sugar levels in check. Like�wise, cumin could help heal and prevent inflammation in individuals with high uric acid level. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of cumin in decreasing blood sugar and uric acid levels.

Subjects and Method: This was a before and after one group with no control quasi-experiment conducted from July to September 2022. A sample of 20 housewives were selected for this study. The dependent variables were blood sugar and uric acid levels. The independent variable was black cumin. Blood sugar and uric acid levels were measured before and after cumin administration. The Mean difference before and after intervention was tested by t-test.

Results: Blood sugar level after black cumin (Mean=221.50; SD=25.58) was lower than before black cumin (Mean=281.00; SD=46.46), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001). Fasting blood sugar level after black cumin (Mean=147.45; SD=14.46) was lower than before black cumin (Mean=188.80; SD=28.66), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001). Uric acid level after black cumin (Mean=5.80; SD=0.94) was lower than before black cumin (Mean=7.47; SD=0.94), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001).

Conclusion: Black cumin is effective to reduce blood sugar and uric acid levels in women.

How to Cite

Effectiveness of Black Cumin in the Reduction of Blood Sugar And Uric Acid Levels in Women. (2022). The International Conference on Public Health Proceeding, 7(01), 134. https://doi.org/10.26911/AB.ICPH.09.2022.134