The Effect of Health Education Module on Mother's Knowledge about Postpartum Exercises


Eny Retna Ambarwati
Shool of Health Sciences Akbidyo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
~ Author
Hadi Ashar
Center for Public Health and Nutrition Research, National Research and Innovation Agency
~ Author
Esti Nugraheny
Center for Public Health and Nutrition Research, National Research and Innovation Agency
~ Author
Arita Muwarni
Surya Global College of Health Sciences
~ Author
Murgi Handari
Shool of Health Sciences Wira Husada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
~ Author


Background: During this postpartum period, the postpartum mother will experience many changes in her body, one of which is uterine involution, which is the process of the uterus returning to its normal state before pregnancy. Health counseling with module media is one method to improve maternal knowledge. This study aimed to evaluate the increase in knowledge after health education on puerperal gymnastics.

Methods: This was a pseudo-experimental study with one group pre-posttest design conducted at Ambarketawang District, Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia from July to December 2022. A total of 30 postpartum mothers were selected for this study. The dependent variable was knowledge. The independent variable was the health education module. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by paired t-test.

Results: Knowledge score after health counseling with education module (Mean= 7.73; SD= 1.08) was higher than before (Mean= 6.63; SD= 2.57), and it was statistically significant/not significant (p= 0.001)

Conclusion: The health education module is effective in improving the knowledge of post-partum mothers.

How to Cite

The Effect of Health Education Module on Mother’s Knowledge about Postpartum Exercises. (2024). The International Conference on Public Health Proceeding, 8(01), 71.