Analysis of Health Workers' Satisfaction in Management Information Systemat Sibela Health Center, Surakarta


Anggi Putri Aria Gita
Faculty of Health Science, Kusuma Husada University, Surakarta, Indonesia
~ Author
Frieda Ani Noor
Faculty of Health Science, Kusuma Husada University, Surakarta, Indonesia
~ Author
Oliva Virvizat Prasastin
Faculty of Health Science, Kusuma Husada University, Surakarta, Indonesia
~ Author
Nella Tri Surya
Faculty of Health Science, Kusuma Husada University, Surakarta, Indonesia
~ Author
Sri Nurul Kur’aini
Faculty of Health Science, Kusuma Husada University, Surakarta, Indonesia
~ Author


Background: Analyzing health workers' satisfaction with the Management Infor­ma­tion System (MIS) in a healthcare setting was crucial for ensuring efficient and effective healthcare delivery. The Sibela Health Center has used the MIS of the Health Center which is integrated in all sections as a flow of patient services, starting from registration, polyclinic, laboratory, and pharmacy. This study aimed to analyze health workers' satis­faction within the management information system at Sibela Health Center, Surakarta.

Subjects and Method:  This was a cross-sectional conducted at Sibela Health Center, Surakarta. A total of 31 health workers were selected by quota sampling. The independent variables were efficiency, reliability, fulfillment, privacy, responsiveness, and contact. The dependent variable was health workers' satisfaction. The data was collected by questionnaire and analyzed descriptively.

Results:  Health workers are very satisfied with the efficiency (gap value=0.01), dissatisfied with the reliability (gap value= -0.14), satisfied with the fulfillment (gap value=0.00), very satisfied with the privacy (gap value= 0.02), dissatisfied with the responsiveness (gap value=-0.09), and dissatisfied with contact (gap value=-0.08).

Conclusion: Health workers are very satisfied with efficiency, fulfillment, and privacy. Health workers are dissatisfied with reliability, responsiveness, and contact.

 Keywords: job satisfaction, workers, health management information.

 Correspondence:Anggi Putri Aria Gita. Health Administration, Faculty of Health Science, Kusuma Husada University, Surakarta. Jl. Pelangi Timur 28, Surakarta, Central Java 57127, Indonesia. Email: . Mobile: +628975406464.


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How to Cite

Analysis of Health Workers’ Satisfaction in Management Information Systemat Sibela Health Center, Surakarta. (2023). The International Conference on Public Health Proceeding, 8(01), 126-133.