Background: According to Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, self-efficacy is an important construct that predicts the adoption of healthy behavior. This study aimed to determine the effect of health education on improving self-efficacy in the adoption of the COVID-19 vaccine among the elderly.
Subjects and Method: This was a randomized control trial conducted in the elderly, in Katelan, Sragen, Central Java. A total of 30 elderly visiting a Posyandu (Integrated Health Post) were selected for this study using random sampling. The sample was divided into two groups: (1) the Health education group (n=15); and (2) the Control group (n=15). The dependent variable was self-efficacy. The independent variable was health education. The data were collected by a General Self Efficacy questionnaire. Mean differences between the two groups were tested by Mann-Whitney.
Results: Before the intervention (health education), the score of self-efficacy in the health education group (Mean= 24.67; SD= 3.00) was comparable with that of the control group (Mean=25.02; SD= 3.00), and this difference was statistically non-significant. After the intervention (health education), the score of self-efficacy in the health education group (Mean= 37.03; SD=1.20) was higher than that of the control group (Mean= 26.73; SD= 1.70), and it was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Health education is effective in improving self-efficacy in the adoption of COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly.
Keywords: Self-efficacy, health education, COVID-19, adoption, vaccine, elderly
Correspondence: Anny Rosiana Masyitoh. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus. Jl Ganesha No. 1, Purwosari, Kudus 59332, Central Java, Indonesia. Email: annyrosiana@umkudus.ac.id. Mobile: +62816654455.
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